Mission Statement:
The Iron Garden policy on Wing Chun is quite simple: NO politics, NO gimmicks, just a compact logical approach to combat. Though it may seem simple or limited at a glance, it will require great patience and dedication to attain the skill.
"Greet what arrives, escort what leaves and rush upon loss of contact(來留去送,甩手直衝)" – Yip Man
What is Wing Chun?
The Iron Garden™: A Harmonious Path in Wing Chun
The Iron Garden™, founded by Sifu Frank Matos, draws its inspiration from the late Grand Master Ip Man. Ip Man’s legacy lies not only in his martial prowess but also in his profound philosophy—the very essence of Wing Chun. Passed down through generations of Wing Chun practitioners, this philosophy encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual development.
While Ip Man may not be a household name for everyone, his influence extends far and wide. One of his most famous pupils was none other than the legendary Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee absorbed the fundamental principles of Wing Chun from Ip Man, incorporating them into his own unique style of martial arts, which later evolved into Jeet Kune Do.
The resurgence of interest in Wing Chun owes much to the popular 2008 film, Ip Man. Within this context, Sifu Frank Matos has spent the past 25 years honing his skills. His journey continues under the guidance of Grand Master Augustine Fong, who himself learned Wing Chun from the second generation of Ip Man’s students, including GM Ho Kam Ming.
In the spirit of Wing Chun, the Iron Garden™ embraces a compact, logical approach to combat—free from politics and gimmicks. As the saying goes, “Excellence is not an act but a habit.
Why learn Wing Chun?
Whether for self-defense or fitness, this is where gimmickry and stunts are discarded, and practical / functional Wing Chun Kung Fu is taught.
What is Iron Garden Wing Chun™?
"Where Power and Tranquility Become ONE!!!"
“Iron Garden creates an Indestructible Resolve for One-self and Nurtures the Graceful ability to Adapt in Real situations; through Discipline we Evolve Naturally.”
Iron Garden training is geared towards real combat, because a certain level of fitness and conditioning is required. All classes are composed of students of mixed disciplines, so advanced students can assist beginners to improve their standards, and advanced students get to recap on their basic techniques. All classes are taught and supervised by Sifu Matos, who has over 25 years of combat experience.

Students Must Learn What, How, And Why.
Students Must Learn What, How, And Why.
Maintaining Fighting Structure
Center-line Theory and Triangle Concept
Adopting Self-defense Attitude/Fighting spirit
Understanding ranges and attack/defense zones
Creating leverage and escaping trouble (street survival)
Learning and Sharpening the (defensive and offensive) tools
Targeting and Self-Defense strategy
Applying techniques/Closing the Gap
Twist and Lock Concept
Timing Principle
Active/Passive theory
It All Starts With A Small Idea:
Simultaneous Defense and Counter
Attack by Interception
Natural Reaction in Every Technique
During Your Study You Will Learn:
The Wing Chun Vertical punch
Basic Blocks
Basic elbows
All Forms
Beginning with Sil lim tau
Defense and Offense
Stance and Structure
Foot work drills, Balance Training
Trapping Drills
For those interested in Classes or more information contact Sifu Frank Matos, the founder of Iron Garden Wing Chun, his contact information is as follows: 28 East 1st Street, Mt. Vernon, NY 10550 sifumatos@gmail.com, and www.irongardenwingchun.com.

Sifu Frank Matos
The Genesis of Iron Garden: A Journey in Balance and Strength
The inspiration behind Iron Garden sprouted from Sifu Frank during his early years in bodybuilding and personal training. He etched the name “Iron Garden” onto his right arm, symbolizing a harmonious existence—a fusion of unwavering willpower and inner tranquility akin to a serene garden.
In 1990, Sifu Frank embarked on his martial arts odyssey. His initial foray involved studying Seido Karate, which he seamlessly blended with the fluidity of boxing. This marked the inception of a lifelong pursuit.
Fast forward to late 1997, when Sifu Frank’s path intersected with Wing Chun through a public access television program. Intrigued, he delved deeper, immersing himself in weekly classes, seminars, camps, and private lessons. His first mentor, Sifu Grados, epitomized strength without force—a master of motion.
Wing Chun, Sifu Frank discovered, possesses a unique versatility and inherent logic. Beyond combat prowess, it imparts life skills—how to navigate existence with serenity and enhance overall well-being.
While Wing Chun is practical and straightforward to learn, mastery demands unwavering dedication.
In the words of Aristotle,
“Excellence is not an act but a habit.”